In Korea, when girls and boys become 20, we are usally go to graduate high school.
Korean think 20 years old's people are adult.
We can drink, get license, and have an election.
Also, we can find part-time job easily.
Korean adult applicate of a law. If you are teenagers, you don't recieve punishment strictly.
But an adult applicate of a law stricrtly.
Also, when we become adults, we hold a coming-of-age-ceremony.
Most they get a perfume, flowers, and kiss.
Some people hold a big coming-of-age-ceremony in a group at a hall.
Actually, grils become adults ealier than boys.
Boys become adults after serving in the army.
This is usual Korean thoughts.
Each country has special ceremony for becoming adult. Also, the age is different from country yo country.
Maybe, county's culture determine adult's age.
I think 20 years old is adult, too.
답글삭제I want to get a license.
Boys become adults after serving in the army.)_
답글삭제Why do you think about this?
It may be help but not let boys become.
And nowadays, this day is getting smaller.
country's culture determine adult's age.
답글삭제I think so, too!!
20 years old is adult.
답글삭제I agree.
Coming-of-age ceremony differ each country.