If I had a lot of money, 50,000,000,000,000 , I would do many things.
This look like a dream. However, some people really have that.
I just want to write down " if I'm a person of richest, ~".
First, I want to devide four part.
I save a quarter from my money.
Also I use another one quarter to make buildings.
Third part use for poor people.
Last I use money only for me and my families.
Actually, many people devide 2 part of money.
However, I think this is a waste. Riches must use their money for world's economy.
Circulation of money is most important to world's economy.
Of courst, saving is also help it, but saving money just is used by lending for business.
(It is just my thoughts.)
Next, I want to make a great mension. Also I'll buy islands, buildings, etc.
I want to leave big house and beautiful islands. For example, there are swimming pools, play ground, athletic facilities in my ground. Sometimes buildings will purpose of investment.
It's so funny and happy thoughts.
Then I want to start a now enterprises.
At fisrt, I make a small enterprise for poor and old people.
They don't have any job. So I want to help them. However, just giving money is not good to them.
I want them to do something by themselves. This is most important thing.
Also, I'll make another firms such as clothes, accessories, bags, shoes.
Then I invest a lot of money to envrionmental studies.
Like hybrid car, no CO2-airplane, electronic car, etc.
Sometimes I invest stocks. Because I have a lot of money, I can't get a big hurt.
Finally, I want to do for my families.
I don't want to seperate my familes. My parents, brothers, cousins, grandmother, aunt, uncle, and relatives always make me happy. So I want to help them anytimes.
However, you know, just giving money is never good thing. So I just help them specific things like gifts. For instance, my uncles and aunt want to go another country. I'll buy a ticket, and I'll reserve hotel room. Sometiems I can give gift card(There are specific money in a card.) to them. That's all. Yeah, actually traveling(specific thing)is more impressed than just giving some money.
I like money. However, I don't want to money of lottery.
Easy money is not my money.
I do my best to make money. It can be a my money and I can use money wisely.
Of course, money directly is not a happy, but having money can make me do a lot of thing which I want to do.
So nice.
답글삭제You want to make a grand company!
Do what you want to do!
Your plan is very good. I never think about devide four parts. I'll pray your own success!
답글삭제you are always good.
답글삭제your plan is good.
I want to join your plan